Childhood Immunization Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Childhood Immunization Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

It’s important that you utilize preventive care to help protect your child from certain diseases that might come their way. This can ensure that they’re protected on the playground or anywhere else that they may come in contact with different germs. To do so, you need to make sure that your child is vaccinated and that they’re following the schedule as your pediatrician recommends. Your pediatricians at Child & Adolescent Clinic in Longview and Vancouver, WA, can explain when vaccinations are needed and what your child’s immunization schedule might look like.

Following an Immunization Schedule

It’s important that you take the initiative to protect your child from illnesses and that you stay on track with the schedule that your pediatrician recommends. Vaccinations from your pediatrician in Longview and Vancouver, WA, will start as soon as your child is born. When your child is born, they’ll receive their first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine. They’ll need 2 more doses over the next year and the exact timing can be discussed with your doctor.

The next vaccinations that your child will need will be around 2 months old. These vaccines include:

  • Rotavirus 
  • Diphtheria 
  • Tetanus 
  • Pneumococcal conjugate 
  • Inactivated poliovirus

Similarly to hepatitis B, your child will need their next few doses in the next year. Each vaccine will need at least 2 doses and no more than 4. Your pediatrician will explain each vaccination at the time of dosage and where your child is on their schedule.

Your child can also receive their first flu shot around the age of 6 months. They’ll need to continue getting this annually for the rest of their life to make sure that they’re protected from the flu. Your child will also need to update their tetanus vaccine every 10 years for the rest of their life as well.

The next set of vaccinations will start around 12 months. This includes:

  • Measles, mumps, and rubella 
  • Hepatitis A 
  • Varicella

As your child gets older, they can also get other vaccinations like human papillomavirus. This can protect your child from HPV and cervical cancer. It’s important to stay on schedule with your child’s vaccinations or talk to your pediatrician about a makeup schedule if your child misses any of their vaccines.

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Make sure that your child is fully protected from whatever germs they may come in contact with on the playground and at school! Getting your child vaccinated can also protect children around them who aren’t able to be vaccinated. Contact your pediatricians at Child & Adolescent Clinic in Longview and Vancouver, WA, to learn more about vaccinations. Call today at (360) 577-1771 for Longview, WA, and (360) 254-7750 for Vancouver, WA.