Pediatric Well Visits: A Parent's Guide

Pediatric Well Visits: A Parent's Guide

As a parent, your main goal is to make sure that your child is healthy and happy! The best way to do this is by making sure you visit your pediatrician for visits even when your child isn’t sick. These are known as well visits and can help keep your child safe from certain illnesses and make sure that they’re protected from whatever might come their way. Your pediatricians at The Child & Adolescent Clinic in Longview and Vancouver, WA, can explain well visits and why they’re an important part of your child’s healthcare. 

Understanding Well Visits 

Your child’s health is important and it’s vital that you are constantly taking steps to protect them and make sure you’re doing what’s best for your child. When you bring your child in for well visits with their pediatrician in Longview and Vancouver, WA, you’re making sure that their quality of life is good and that you’re making the best decisions for your child’s health. Bringing your child in for well visits can make sure that there aren’t any undiagnosed issues plaguing your child and that they get treatment for issues as soon as possible. 

During a well visit, your child will have several aspects of their health monitored. This includes: 

  • Height and weight 
  • Heart rate 
  • Blood pressure 
  • Vision and hearing 
  • Reflexes 
  • Musculoskeletal system 
  • Lungs and heart 

Your pediatrician can also use this time to answer any questions you might have and address any concerns that may worry you. You can also make sure that your child is up to date on all of their vaccinations and that they’re protected from illnesses that might come their way. During a well visit, your pediatrician will ask about your child’s nutrition and exercise levels. You can use this time to make sure your child is creating healthy habits for the rest of their life! 

Contact Our Pediatrician Today 

Make sure that you’re taking care of your child’s health! Contact your pediatricians at The Child & Adolescent Clinic in Longview and Vancouver, WA, to learn more about well visits and why they’re so important for your child’s health. Call today to schedule an appointment at (360) 577-1771 for the office in Longview, WA, and (360) 254-7750 for the office in Vancouver, WA.