Understanding Childhood Allergies: Triggers, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Childhood Allergies: Triggers, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

The Child and Adolescent Clinic can provide comprehensive pediatric care for just about everything under the sun! Can we help with allergies in Vancouver, WA? Of course! It's critical that you take them seriously (children can experience very dangerous reactions otherwise), and our team can help you figure out what's wrong. Don't let this issue linger, just get support from our expert crew.

Common Triggers

 The world of allergic triggers is as diverse as the universe itself, and includes many different issues that can develop at any time. By that, we mean your child may suddenly develop a new allergy without warning, creating a real danger. As a result, you must understand allergic triggers to ensure that you know what to expect. Pay attention to things like:

  • Outdoor Triggers: Things like tree and plant pollen (especially in spring) can cause allergic reactions, as can insect bites and stings, or direct contact with things like poison oak.
  • Indoor Issues: Even your home isn't safe from allergic reactions — pet and animal hair can trigger allergy attacks, and so can dust mites, mold, and other contaminants. 
  • Unnatural Irritants: Our world is filled with many toxins, such as cigarette smoke, car exhaust, and perfume, that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Food Triggers: Even normally very healthy foods like eggs, milk, and cheeses can trigger allergic reactions, not to mention many types of nuts and shellfish!

Symptoms to Watch

 The Child and Adolescent Clinic can help Vancouver, WA, parents like you track symptoms of allergies for your children! We're more than capable of supporting you (we've worked with many people over the years) and feel comfortable watching for a myriad of symptoms, such as:

  • Skin rashes and hives (common with touch-based allergic reactions, like poison ivy)
  • Difficulty breathing (must be taken care of right away)
  • Cold-like symptoms (sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.)
  • Upset stomach (often when a child eats an allergic food)

Treatments That Help

  • Avoidance (i.e., keep your child away from any potential triggers, such as by keeping them indoors)
  • Managing triggers (i.e., keep your home clean to keep dust from spreading)
  • Point-of-contact therapy (i.e., using antihistamines, nasal sprays, and decongestants)
  • Medicines (i.e., allergy shots, tablets, and medicines that reduce your symptoms)

We're Ready to Help

 At the Child and Adolescent Clinic, our crew of professionals can help families manage allergies in Longview and Vancouver, WA. You know exactly how upsetting an allergy attack can be, so call our Longview office at 360-577-1771 or Vancouver at 360-254-7750 and we'll do whatever we can to ensure your family’s health.